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How To Set Up Roku

Here's how to link to the Sequim Community Church channel

When you get a Roku box, you'll first have to connect to your Wi-fi. Go to settings, and then select Network. It will show your wireless router name, and then ask for your password if you have one assigned. Then it will connect.

Next you will be prompted to set up a Roku account at Roku.com. That is your first step.  The box will also probably update with the latest software automatically.

To link with the Sequim community church channel you'll need a free Vimeo accout as well.  On your computer go to Vimeo.com and sign up for a free account, and remember your password.

Next, on your Roku box go to the "channel store" and find the Vimeo channel, and select it. It's free.

Vimeo will appear in your channel list, click on it, and if a list of options come up, select My Videos. This will prompt you to link with Vimeo.com with a code.  Type in the website they tell you to go to on your computer and enter the code. It will ask you to confirm, and do so.  Then the Roku box and Vimeo will link up automatically.

Now the next step is very important... How to find the SCC Videos.

On your computer on the Vimeo.com website go to the top menu called "explore", and then select "channels".  Search for Sequim Community Church.  If this doesn't work for you you can also just go to www.vimeo.com/channels/sequimcommunitychurch
You'll see the Sequim Community church channel page, and on the large video click on "Like" and "Later" - what this will do is put that video in your Roku box folders. Next look to the right and click "Subscribe." This will put the videos in your Inbox on Roku as well.  When you sign up for Vimeo, your inbox has two other video channels automatically assigned to it. You'll need to go to your Vimeo home page (select "Me" at the top, and "my home page"), and then on the Inbox page click "edit subscriptions". You'll see a link for 3 channels, click on that to delete those channels you don't want to see in your inbox.

Now, Go back to the Roku box, select the vimeo channel, and then choose either "My Likes" or "Watch Later" and an SCC video will be there. Click on this video, and select "See more from SCC Video Team".  That will show you all of the latest church videos on our channel. And you can always find them from then on, at either "My Likes" or "Watch Later".  You should also be able to see all the latest SCC videos in "My Inbox", and that list will be automatically updated whenever we post a new video.  You don't need to access Vimeo ever again with your computer if you don't want to. You just use the Roku box and the Vimeo Channel.

If any of these steps hang you up, please email  SCConTVhelp@gmail.com and we'll help you sort it out

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